Album Release

Get your songs out on all major quality stores out there like Spotify, Amazon, Itunes, Tidal etc.

Music PR

Our team will release Press Kit for your album or single to be distributed to over 4500+ Distribution Network!

Music Production

Supported by Top Notch Industry Sound Engineers who will get you that sound you need!

Live Gigs

Plan your live performance journey to stardom with your personal musical roadmap.

is a record label. In our scout, entertainment, live gigs event planner and your music, promotional strategist, all in one.

Album Release

Once the music is released, the next step is to promote it. 1league helps the artist grow organically and get their music heard. Our PR team has the experience and knowledge to create a buzz around the artist’s music. We use various techniques such as influencer marketing, playlist placements, and media outreach to increase the artist’s exposure.

Our PR team also creates press releases and bio’s that help in creating a brand image for the artist. This helps in building credibility and establishing the artist as an authority in their genre. We also provide social media marketing services, which help the artist to connect with their fans and build a loyal fan base.

Our PR team has an extensive network of contacts in the music industry, which helps in promoting the artist’s music. We provide regular reports to the artist, showing the progress of their music campaign. We also provide crisis management services, helping the artist to deal with any negative publicity or criticism.

We offer a variety of PR packages, including influencer marketing, media outreach, and playlist placements. We work with the artist to create a customized PR strategy that aligns with their goals and budget. We also provide data analytics services, which help in analyzing the success of the PR campaign.

Music PR Services

You get a dedicated PR team who creates press releases and bio’s that help in creating a brand image for the artist. This helps in building credibility and establishing the artist as an authority in their genre. We also provide social media marketing services, which help the artist to connect with their fans and build a loyal fan base.

Music Production

We have experience working with artists from various genres, including pop, rock, hip-hop, and EDM. We help the artist to find their signature sound, ensuring that their music stands out in a crowded market. We also provide music consultancy services, helping the artist to make informed decisions about their music career.

Live Gigs

Our event managers have years of experience in organizing successful live events. We offer a variety of live gig packages, including venue booking, event planning, and technical assistance. We also provide post-event services such as video production and live event recording.

Add On Services

Some perks for our Platinum Artists are