
It has been more than a decade since Kundan has been performing original and cover music. With his melodious voice, he has been singing in lounges and rooftops around the country, from the classics to upbeat new-age artists from Bollywood and beyond. With the aim of reaching thousands of ears with his music, Kundan intends to set his stage on fire with his solo, duet and full band performances.


about the artist


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We will coach you and help you achieve your health goals. At garage, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family and own your fitness. What are you waiting for? Take the first step today.


We will coach you and help you achieve your health goals. At garage, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family and own your fitness. What are you waiting for? Take the first step today.

Meet [Artist Name], a talented indie musician who has been captivating audiences with their unique sound and thoughtful lyrics. Born and raised in [Hometown], [Artist Name] grew up surrounded by music and was drawn to the guitar at a young age.

With a passion for storytelling and a desire to connect with listeners on a deeper level, [Artist Name] began writing their own songs in their teenage years. Drawing inspiration from a variety of genres, including folk, rock, and pop, [Artist Name] developed a sound that is both familiar and fresh, with catchy melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

After honing their craft in local venues and building a dedicated following, [Artist Name] released their debut album [Album Title] in [Year]. The album received critical acclaim and garnered attention from music lovers and industry insiders alike. Tracks like [Song Title] and [Song Title] showcase [Artist Name]'s ability to weave together complex emotions and personal experiences in a way that is relatable and authentic.

Since then, [Artist Name] has continued to grow and evolve as an artist, exploring new sounds and pushing their creative boundaries. With [Number] studio albums under their belt, [Artist Name] has cemented their place as a rising star in the indie music scene.

In addition to their music career, [Artist Name] is also an advocate for [Cause/Issue], using their platform to raise awareness and support for those in need.

With a devoted fanbase and a promising future ahead, [Artist Name] is a musician to watch. Don't miss your chance to experience their captivating live performances and heartfelt music.